ABC™ specialises in legitimate postural correction. No exercises are needed and it is non-invasive.
Due to our modern lifestyles posture is becoming more and more of an issue. This is not only an aesthetic problem, poor posture has a massive impact on our health and how well our bodies function.
Bad posture can lead to lower back pain, neck pain, joint pain and headaches. It can also have an impact on vital organs such as your heart and lungs.

Our bodies are a bit like a Jenga block..
When we're born we are stacked really well and we are very stable, just like a new Jenga stack.
However, as you move more pieces of the Jenga, it becomes more unstable and eventually falls apart.
Our bodies do something very similar, as more bones become misaligned, our bodies become more unstable. This puts more pressure onto the joints and muscles resulting in pain, dis-ease or dysfunction.