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There are various aspects in life in which we can help you achieve your goals, whether it be acute/chronic pain, legitimate non-surgical posture correction or if you would like to improve performance.




I am the owner and founder of WELLSPINE. It brings me so much joy that I am living my dream of running my own practice and helping so many people in my community. I grew up on a farm in Zimbabwe, went to highschool in South Africa and studied my undergraduate degree in Chiropractic Science in Perth, Australia.


I have always been passionate about all things  sports and outdoors. I believe this is where my passion for my work came from. I was plagued by rugby injuries in my last year of school and it was unbelievably frustrating. It sparked a lot of intrigue around the human body and how I could fix it. I was desperate to not only fix my own body but to help others through the same frustrations.


Advanced BioStructural Correction™ is the answer to how the mechanics of the body works, how they break down and how to fix them. This is the future of structural healthcare and it still amazes me to this day, how far you can take bodies with this amazing technique. 



I am an associate practitioner at WELLSPINE. I come from a background in Sports Therapy and have always been fascinated by how bodies work, structural healthcare and helping the community. I grew up in a nearby town called Desborough and studied Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation at the University of Derby as an undergraduate, having graduated in the summer of 2023. 

I have always been interested in sports and being active since I was a child, primarily in football and running but I have recently grown a fondness for squash. I had suffered from many injuries playing football competitively, especially in my knees and hips which hampered my ability to play greatly and discouraged me incredibly. Suffering these setbacks was what initially got me interested in how the body works and how to both prevent and help rehabilitate injuries and one of my main goals in life is to help others deal with their own problems.

Advanced Biostructural Correction™ can massively help people who are struggling mechanically, as well as allow them to understand how they break down and ultimately how to fix them. This method of treatment is the future of structural healthcare, and it truly is admiring to see how far this technique can help the human body.

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